Pierre-Francois Dutot, Krzysztof Rzadca, Erik Saule, and Denis Trystram. Multi-objective scheduling, chapter 9. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, to appear 2009. ISBN: 978-1420072730. [ bib ]
Xavier Besseron, Slim Bouguerra, Thierry Gautier, Erik Saule, and Denis Trystram. Fault tolerance and availability awarness in computational grids, chapter 5. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, to appear 2009. ISBN: 978-1439803677. [ bib ]
Erik Saule. Algorithmes d'approximation pour l'ordonnancement multi-objectif. Applications aux systèmes parallèles et embarqués. PhD thesis, Institut polytechnique de Grenoble, 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Erik Saule and Denis Trystram. Analyzing scheduling with transient failures. Information Processing Letters, 109(11):539-542, May 2009. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
Alain Girault, Erik Saule, and Denis Trystram. Reliability versus performance for critical applications. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 69(3):326-336, March 2009. [ bib | .pdf ]
Erik Saule and Denis Trystram. Multi-users scheduling in parallel systems. In Proc. of IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium 2009, May 2009. [ bib | .pdf ]
Emmanuel Jeannot, Erik Saule, and Denis Trystram. Bi-objective approximation scheme for makespan and reliability optimization on uniform parallel machines. In Euro-Par 2008, pages 877-886. LNCS, August 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Jack J. Dongarra, Emmanuel Jeannot, Erik Saule, and Zhiao Shi. Bi-objective scheduling algorithms for optimizing makespan and reliability on heterogeneous systems. In SPAA '07: Proceedings of the nineteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures, pages 280-288. ACM press, June 2007. [ bib | .pdf ]
Erik Saule, Pierre-François Dutot, and Gregory Mounié. Scheduling With Storage Constraints. In Proc of IPDPS'08, April 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Florent Blachot, Guillaume Huard, Jonathan Pecero, Erik Saule, and Denis Trystram. Scheduling instructions on processors with incomplete bypass. In Proceedings of 8th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems. Koç University, July 2007. [ bib | .pdf ]
Erik Saule and Brice Videau. PaSTeL. Une implantation parallèle de la STL pour les architectures multi-coeurs : une analyse des performances. In Proceedings électronique de RenPar 18, February 2008. [ bib | .pdf ]
Brice Videau, Erik Saule, and Jean-François Méhaut. Pastel : Parallel runtime and algorithms for small datasets. In proc of MuCoCos, March 2009. [ bib ]
Brice Videau, Erik Saule, and Jean-François Méhaut. PaSTeL : Parallel Runtime and Algorithms for Small Datasets. Technical Report 6650, INRIA, 2008. [ bib | http ]