The goal of the FlowVR library is to provide users with the necessary tools to develop and run high performance interactive applications on PC clusters and Grids.
The main target applications include virtual reality and scientific visualization. FlowVR enforces a modular programming that leverages software engineering issues while enabling high performance execution on distributed and parallel architectures.
The FlowVR software suite has 3 main components:
FlowVR : The core middleware library. FlowVR relies on the data-flow oriented programming approach that has been successfully used by other scientific visualization tools.
FlowVR Render : A parallel rendering library.
VTK FlowVR : a VTK / FlowVR / FlowVR Render coupling library.
Developing a FlowVR application
Developing a FlowVR application is a two step process.
First, modules are developed. Modules encapsulate a portion of code, imported from an existing application or developed from scratch. The code in question can be multi-threaded or parallel, since FlowVR enables parallel code coupling.
In a second step, modules are mapped onto the target architecture, and assembled into a network that defines data exchange between modules.
This communication network can be shaped by the developer, through adding simple routing operations to complex message filtering or synchronization operations.