I am teaching at the ENSIMAG (a school of Grenoble inp), for first and second year students (L3 and M1).
Algorithmic and programming (first year)
I am supervising algorithmic 1 practical work (3MMALG11). In this courses, students are led to find and/or implement classical algorithms (in Ada). All the resources are available in the KIOSK.
A lot of informations and a great tutorial on ada can be found here.
Operating Systems (second year)
I give some tutorials of operating systems and parallel programming (4MMSEPC). This lecture present the basic operating systems mecanisms, we focus on the management of concurrency. The ressources are available on the ensiwiki.
The operating system speciality project complete the operating system course. Students can implement a wider system than the one implemented during the operating system project. The ressources are available on the ensiwiki.
I recommend the book What every programmer should know about memory from Ulrich Drepper to students who want to go further.