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I work as a R&D engineer in the domain of High Performance Computing at EOLEN .
I did my PhD at the LJK laboratory in the CASYS team (LJK) and MOAIS team (LIG-Inria) under the direction of Jean-Guillaume Dumas and Clément Pernet .
My PhD research topic was on adaptive and generic parallel exact linear algebra.
I defended ( Slides ) my PhD thesis on June 17, 2016.


keywords : High Performance Computing, Computational mathematics, Parallel computing, dataflow parallelism, Linear algebra, exact computations, computer algebra.

Contact Information

Campus Teratec
2 rue de la piquetterie
91680 Bruyères-le-Châtel FRANCE
E-mail address :

Research News

- ISSAC 2015 Award Winners : Our paper Computing the rank profile matrix won the Distinguished paper award at the conference ISSAC'15 (Major international conference in computer algebra. more details ).

- Invited speaker at the LCASNC Workshop on Linear Computer Algebra and Symbolic-Numeric Computation held in Toronto on October 2015. Talk

Software News

- FFLAS-FFPACK 2.2.2 released.

- Linbox 1.4.2 released.


2016 :

Fast Computation of the Rank Profile Matrix and the Generalized Bruhat Decomposition
Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Clément Pernet and Ziad Sultan. January 2016
Keywords: Echelon form, Rank profile, Gaussian elimination, McCoy's rank, Bruhat decomposition, PLUQ decomposition

2015 :

Computing the Rank Profile Matrix
Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Clément Pernet and Ziad Sultan.
ISSAC'15 , July 2015
Keywords: Gaussian elimination, Rank profile, Echelon form, PLUQ decomposition.

Parallel Algebraic Linear Algebra Dedicated Interface ( pdf )
Thierry Gautier, Jean-Louis Roch, Ziad Sultan and Bastien Vialla
PASCO'15 , July 2015
Keywords: Domain Specific Language, Shared Memory Parallelism, Dataflow Parallelism, Cutting Strategy

Recursion based parallelization of exact dense linear algebra routines for Gaussian elimination
Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Thierry Gautier, Clément Pernet, Jean-Louis Roch and Ziad Sultan.
Keywords: PLUQ decomposition, Parallel shared memory computation, Finite field, Dataflow task dependencies, NUMA architecture

2014 :

Parallel computation of echelon forms
Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Thierry Gautier, Clément Pernet and Ziad Sultan.
EuroPar 2014 , Porto
Keywords: Echelon forms, Parallel algorithms

2013 :

Simultaneous computation of the row and column rank profiles ( pdf )
Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Clément Pernet and Ziad Sultan.
ISSAC'13 , Juin 2013
Keywords: Rank profile – PLUQ triangularization – Rank sensitive – In place.

Software & projects

software :
FFLAS-FFPACK : Basic linear algebra routines over a finite field
LinBox : a generic C++ library for exact linear algebra.

Projects :
HPAC : High-Performance Algebraic Computations



Licence 1 :

  • MAT116__ ( Mathématiques outils pour les sciences et l'ingénierie ) à UJF
  • MAT11o ( Mathématiques cours de soutien pour SPI ) à UJF

M@ths en LIgne (support de cours et exercices en ligne – développé à l'Université Joseph Fourier – pour les niveaux L1, L2 et L3)

Licence 2 : MAT239 ( ALGEBRE APPLIQUEE ) à UJF

Licence 3 : INF368 Programmation Orienté Objet (POO) en License L3 M&I à l'UFR IM²AG

TP1: Opérations sur les Rationnels
TP2: Compression avec perte

Master 1 MAI : Enseignement Calcul formel et cryptographie : Cours, TDs et TPs.